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How to Conquer Procrastination: The Procrastination Fix by Jacob Greene Book Summary

Do you ever procrastinate seeing a doctor? or paying a bill? maybe you procrastinate buying something you really need or calling a loved one? Missing these tasks might not have a bad effect immediately but it will eventually leave marks on our lives and specially on our mental health. We will talk about how to conquer procrastination in this article/video.

Procrastination is delaying a task for a later time. It is usually due to feeling of anxiety, incapability or fear. We will talk about 6 different types of procrastinators as mentioned in the book The Procrastination Fix by Jacob Greene and and offer new solutions and mindsets for each to overcome it.

1. The Perfectionist

The perfectionist who wants to start at the perfect time so they have figured everything in their heads because they are too concerned about not being "perfect".

If you are a perfectionist you have understand your fears of not being perfect are not real. Whatever project you are working on, won’t be perfect the first time you make it. Procrastination could be awesome if you are creating art; because worrying about deadlines will kill your creativity. However If your Calculus assignment is due next week, you have to strategize and not to be afraid of making mistakes. Everybody make mistakes. Even SpaceX first 3 launches to space failed; one in March 2006, one in March 2007 and one in August 2008. My point is that even Elon Musk makes mistakes and that should be the last thing you are concerned about.

Don't wait for the perfect moment or idea, Just do it.

2. The Dreamer

The Dreamer is who is great at planning in their heard but taking action will actually stress them out. .

Get out of your head! You usually make some assumptions about yourself on how easy it would be for you to do certain tasks if you started them. You would think if you actually wanted to ace that physics test, you could, even if you started studying a day before. But ask yourself if there is any evidence to prove that? I am not saying you are not capable, but thinking you can build the most amazing house is one thing and dealing with the city to get permit and dealing with construction workers is something else. Harness your energy and start moving. Get things done ahead of time so you never have to risk not doing well.

3. The Worrier

They fear the what if’s. "what if I do bad" "what if I fail like I did last time". Their fear failure is usually caused by previous bad experiences and wrong self beliefs.

If I try to run 5 k and I fail, it doesn't mean I am a bad runner, it only means I need more practice and preparation. Never let your failures define you.

Remember delaying decisions can change your whole life. Don’t let negative thoughts come in your way of thinking. You can consider the outcome of all possibilities but not achieving them shouldn’t worry you. Turn those negative thoughts into excitement and do what needs to be done. It usually helps you build your confidence up if you break your assignments into smaller pieces and feel good about getting through each part. Remember it’s always ok to ask for help.

4. The Crisis Maker

I get stuff done better under pressure" is their favorite quote. This type of procrastination is most common among students. Even though they might do well on that task, they are constantly under performing and once life gets hard, they will start missing deadlines.

I can personally relate to this kind of procrastination. I always pride myself in getting things done right on time without having to sabotage my free time! What helped me was getting into a habit of writing to do lists and creating a reward system. Our problem isn't getting things done, it's starting ahead of time. Therefore, if we write down a to do list and we consciously write down a reward for finishing that task on time, we will automatically get it done. I always try to have a to do list and my rewards is usually watching my favorite show at night.

5. The Defier

They rebel against deadlines and responsibilities and their favorite phrase is “I don’t care”

Saying “I don’t care” is the easiest thing to say in the world might make life feel a bit easier. Denying our responsibilities and sometimes our emotions might make us feel like we are in charge momentarily, but are you ok with the consequences?

If you don’t care about your assignment, are you ok with failing or not doing your best in that class and having that define you for the rest of your life? Do you want to grow up to become someone who doesn’t care about life or someone who can take charge? Someone nobody can actually rely on? Trust me when you are 30 you will be looking for ways to prove you are worthy, powerful and that people can rely on you. Therefore the sooner you start practicing this skill, the better!

6. The Over Doer

They put so much on their plate it becomes overwhelming. As a result they will end up exhausted and end up wither sacrificing tasks or quality.

One of the most important lessons I have personally learnt in life is that you can’t do it all. You have to pick your battles and prioritize. If you are in school, your grades and your school activities should come at the highest priority. That should consume 70% of your day and the rest is up to you and the other goals you set for yourself. Hopefully those goals are aligned to help you become a more well rounded person in life.

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